Frequently Asked Questions

Click on one of the following questions in order to display its answer.

Businesses and legislation

  • Where can I find information regarding the travel agent licensing act?

    The travel agents act is a consumer protection act, so you can get information from the Office de la protection du consommateur (OPC) [Consumer Protection Office]

  • Where can I find information on the legal provision regarding payment terms?

    You will find information about contracts, advance payments, reimbursements and more from the Office de la protection du consommateur (OPC) [Consumer Protection Office]

  • Where do I go to register or incorporate my company?

    You must apply to the Registraire des entreprises du Québec [Quebec Business Registry]
  • Where can I find information concerning operator permits, driver's licences and registration?

    For information about operator permits, see the Commission des transports du Québec [Quebec Transport Commission].

    For information on driver's licences and registration, see the Société de l'Assurance automobile du Québec [Quebec Automobile Insurance Association]


Human resources and training

Financial support

Useful definitions