Business partners


We work hard to develop agreements with partners of choice so that you can make substantial savings. Take advantage of the many privileges offered exclusively to our members!

Being a supplier partner means...

  • Offer your quality services and an exclusive advantage to AEQ and PaRQ members
  • Display your logo and the web link on this page and on the PaRQ website
  • Publish an article in the AEQ - PaRQ monthly newsletter containing the suppliers' catalog
  • Having a space at the supplier show at our annual convention

To join as a Supplier Partner Member, you will be required to pay the fee of $390.92 ($340 +tx) annually.

****No exclusivity to a single supplier / sector / product

To contact us for more information and/or to become a member, click here.

Our business partners

Une carte de sentiers interactive dédiée à la gestion des tâches d'entretien de sentiers Monark Solutions
Freemick Aventure SAGE Assurances
YoPlanning Alliance Communications RH
Eskair Aménagement Imago Structures
Tel-Loc Satellite Mapgears
Les Aménagements Nordiques Sentiers Boréals
Airmedic Zero Limit' - Joëlette & Co
Essor Assurances Réservotron
SIRIUSMEDx Les pages vertes
Le Picbois Endorphine
xPAYrience Gestion Inlandsis Inc
Coopérative de travail L'Enclume CAMM Construction
Alpha Premium Atelier MaBarak
Une carte de sentiers interactive dédiée à la gestion des tâches d'entretien de sentiers Monark Solutions Freemick Aventure SAGE Assurances
YoPlanning Alliance Communications RH Eskair Aménagement Imago Structures
Tel-Loc Satellite Mapgears Les Aménagements Nordiques Sentiers Boréals
Airmedic Zero Limit' - Joëlette & Co Essor Assurances Réservotron
SIRIUSMEDx Les pages vertes Le Picbois Endorphine
xPAYrience Gestion Inlandsis Inc Coopérative de travail L'Enclume CAMM Construction
Alpha Premium Atelier MaBarak