Associate members

Local, regional and sectorial tourist organisations

COTA Association crie de Pourvoirie et de Tourisme


Our mission is to develop and implement a collective vision to establish a sustainable tourism industry in Eeyou Istchee. An industry which is in harmony with culture and Cree values, which promotes partnership between the communities, institutions and Cree companies. We provide various services to promote and support Cree tourism products, thereby promoting those communities. We ensure the participation of the Cree nation in the development of tourism and of these Outfitters as well as liaison between Outfitters and Cree agencies of tourism, the tourism industry and the markets they serve.

203, Opémiska meskino
Oujé-Bougoumou (Québec) G0W 3C0

Téléphone : 418 745-2220
Site Internet:
Courriel :
Contact : Robin McGinley

Fédération des Pourvoiries du Québec


Today, the QOF, a non-profit organization recognized by the government of Quebec, is a group of 375 outfitters that share a great love of the province’s wilderness areas, which they seek to promote as an easily accessible vacation destination

3137, rue Laberge
Québec (Québec) G1X 4B5

Téléphone : 418 877-5191 ou 1 800 567-9009
Télécopieur : 418 877-6638
Site Internet :
Courriel :


Fédération québécoise des clubs quads


679, rue de la Sablière, Bois-des-Filion, Québec, J6Z 4T2

Phone : (514)252-3050 x2230
Email :

MRC de La Haute-Gaspésie

The MRC de La Haute-Gaspésie is located in the vast eastern region of Quebec. Administratively, it is part of the Gaspésie-Îles-de-la-Madeleine region. It comprises 9 administrative units divided into 8 municipalities, including two towns and unorganized territories.

It stretches for almost 138 kilometers and covers a large territory of 5,126.8 km². Its geographical position gives it a special status as a tourist destination, as it lies at the northern entrance to the Gaspé Peninsula and is the gateway to the Chic-Chocs and McGerrigle mountains.

Thanks to its international destination status, the exceptional territory of the Haute-Gaspésie is a veritable land of memorable experiences that fascinate visitors in every season. Its grandiose landscapes shaped by the sea, its 25 mountains with peaks of over 1,000 meters and its vast network of rivers are the pride of its communities, who want future generations to benefit from them.


464, boulevard Sainte-Anne Ouest
Sainte-Anne-des-Monts, G4V 1T5
Phone: 418-763-7791

MRC du Fjord-du-Saguenay

The Fjord-du-Saguenay MRC includes 13 municipalities on either side of the Saguenay River, as well as 3 non-organized territories. It is home to a dynamic, friendly population who have chosen to settle here to enjoy a quality of life within easy reach of nature! Its main responsibilities are to ensure land use planning, develop its environment, improve the well-being of its population, manage residual materials and administer public goods and services.

In conjunction with its regional partners, the MRC has adopted a strategy to develop the tourism industry on its territory over the next 10 years. This planning is the business of an entire industry, which has chosen to mobilize to develop and enhance this destination. By 2032, the Fjord-du-Saguenay MRC will be recognized as the 4-season international adventure and ecotourism destination par excellence in Quebec - that's the vision the tourism industry has set itself. The MRC is committed to supporting the community in this vast development project.

449, rue principale
Saint-Félix-d'Otis, QC, G0V 1M0
Telephone: 418 673-1705
Contact: Sven Kaminski

Société de Développement Économique Uashat mak Mani-Utenam (SDEUM)

Téléphone : (418)962-5433
Site Internet :
Courriel :
Contact : Serge Mckenzie

Tourisme Abitibi-Témiscamingue




Association touristique régionale

155, Avenue Dallaire, bureau 100
Rouyn-Noranda (Québec) J9X 4T3

Téléphone : 1 819 762-8181
Sans frais: 1 800 808-0706
Télécopieur : 819 762-5212
Site Internet:
Courriel :
Contact : France Lemire


Tourisme Autochtone Québec

­ Logo_TAQ_Bilingue_PR_horizontal


Quebec Aboriginal Tourism is  the official representative of Quebec's aboriginal tourism industry; accommodation, dining, museum forest excursion in many others. We support the development of tourism businesses through the offering of services that are conducive to the ethnocultural, economic and sustainable development of the eleven Aboriginal Nations of Quebec. As the First Nations tourism community is distinguished from Canadian tourism products, we contribute to the reinforcement, preservation and promotion of the cultures and traditions that are specific to each of the First Nations and Inuit communities.


50, boulevard Bastien, bur. 510, 3e étage
Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0 

Téléphone : 418 843-5030 ou 1 877 698-7827
Télécopieur : 418 843-7164
Site Internet:
Courriel :

Tourisme Baie-James


Tourism James Bay is the regional tourism association (ATR) of James Bay recognized by the Quebec government as the government of Quebec as the regional interlocutor in tourism and leader in all sectors of tourism tourism activities in the region. The purpose of the organization is to facilitate regional cooperation and and to support development on its territory. The organization also collaborates with Tourism Eeyou Istchee, the regional tourism association (RTA) of Eeyou Istchee, to jointly promote the Eeyou Istchee James Bay tourism region and its industry.


1252, Route 167 Sud, C.P. 134
Chibougamau (Québec) G8P 2K6
Téléphone : 418 748-8140 / 1 888 748-8140

Site Internet : 
Courriel :

Tourisme Charlevoix


The region’s powerful, magnetic attraction began 400 million years ago with an epic meteorite impact that sculpted one of the most beautiful and unique landscapes in Quebec. It also left behind a particular magnetism and energy where visitors stop, breathe and reawaken their senses.

A reconnection worth experiencing.


495, boulevard de Comporté
La Malbaie (Québec) G5A 3G3

Téléphone : 418 665-4454
Télécopieur : 418-665-9860
Site Internet :
Courriel :


Tourisme Côte-Nord


10, Roméo-Vézina
Baie-Comeau (Québec) G4Z 2W2

Téléphone : 418 294-2876 ou 1 888-463-5319
Télécopieur : 418 294-2345
Site Internet :
Contact : Joannie Francoeur Côté

Tourisme Jacques-Cartier


The Jacques-Cartier region is the largest playground only 20 minutes from downtown Quebec City.

It's inspiring, fun, authentic and natural. Hilly and mountainous, dotted with lakes and rivers, lined with trees and forests, it's a vast region for outdoor enthusiasts and vacationing families alike. 


60 Rue Saint Patrick
Shannon (Québec) G3S 1P8

Phone : (418)844-2160
Website : 
Email :
Contact : Catherine Paradis

Tourisme Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean




Since 1977, Tourisme Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean has been an organization whose mandate is to promote the regional tourism offer on all external markets; to adequately welcome visitors to the region and to stimulate the development and quality of the tourism experience.

412, boul. Saguenay est, bureau 100
Chicoutimi (Québec) G7H 7Y8
Phone number : 418 543-3536
Toll-Free number: 1 855-253-8387
Fax: 418 543-1805
Courriel :


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